Friday, January 7, 2011

Most Embarassing Moment

So I was tagged by Katelyn to share my most embarrassing moment so here it is.

When I was in middle school I was notoriously late for the bus. I live at the top of a cul de sac and the bus wouldn't drive up it at the time and just stopped by the street so my mom would have to drive me down. When I was late my mom would speed me down. So the bus was pulling up as my mom was speeding down the road. We got close to the end of the road and she started slowing down so I decided to open my door and get ready to get out. mom kept rolling a little longer than normal and my foot hit the ground too soon. Fortunately I had my violin case that hit the ground and my mom wasn't going fast enough for me to fall but I had to yell at her to stop the car. The entire bus saw what happened and as I got on the bus my busdriver said, "You have to wait for the car to stop before you get out." -_- So yeah that's my embarrassing story! lol

I'm tagging KT McKenna


  1. HAHAHAHA AWWW thats so sad!!! lol.. i bet that was super embarrassing though!!

  2. oh it was, I still hate thinking about it. I'm probably the only person in the world who fell out of a car :p
