Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cast Member Role

So I’m still not sure what my top choice for a role in Disney World would be! I’ve narrowed my choices down to a few…..

  • Full Service Food and Beverage- This role is basically where you work in one of the sit down restaurants in Disney seating people,taking reservations, ect. I heard people like this one because you’re almost guaranteed to be in ac and the hours aren’t too crazy because the restaurants close earlier.
  • Attractions-This is where you operate and work the rides. I’m on the fence about this one because it would be really awesome if you got a good ride (Great Movie Ride,Rockin Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror!)(or show like AI) but the hours seem like they might be long and crazy depending on which park you’re in. But I heard you can request a park or ride, it’s not guaranteed but I think they try to make it possible. I'd probably request Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom.
  • Character Attendant-You follow the characters around, help with any guest issues, take pictures if there's not Photopass Photographer, ect. I’ve heard nothing but good opinions about this job.
  • PhotoPass Photographer- This role is self explanatory. You're a Photographer for the guests. I heard this one is kind of tiring because you have to carry heavy equipment around in the hot weather but I also heard people really enjoy it.
  • Lifeguard-I used to be on the swim team in high school but I’ve never been a lifeguard, I heard it doesn’t matter because they make you get certified down there. But I heard you have to make a certain amount of saves per day or you can get fired which sounded stressfull to me at first but I heard they’re easy things…like telling people to swim away from the slide after they go down lol. It’d be a nice job, I’d just hate to go down there to get certified and fail :/ If you fail they give you another job but it’d probably be something I didn't want. They tell you the requirements online though so I’m sure if I practiced over the summer I’d be good :)
  • Transportation-In this role you have the opportunity to help with boats,buses,or monorails&possibly drive them. This one seems cool depending on what you’re assigned to do. I heard someone absolutely loved driving the boats and driving the monorails everyone always loves. I heard the hours are usually at night though which I'm not really a fan of. I also don’t have any experience with that kind of stuff but apparently nobody does so it doesn’t really matter :)
  • Vacation Planner-I actually like planning vacations so I think this one might be fun. I think you get to sit in ac cause you sit in the ticket booths in the parks. I guess they have quotas to fill but I heard they get rewards and perks for meeting their goals. I wish I knew what kind of rewards and perks? lol
  • Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Hostess-In this role you're basically a hair/makeup stylist for little girls and turn them into their favorite princess! :) This one would be really fun for me because I love working with kids and have a lot of experience with them. I heard you need salon experience but then I heard a lot of people say they didn’t and just had a lot of experience with children. I think this job would be awesome but I heard the hours are long.

So I’m not really sure what kind of order to put these in! lol I guess it’s good I have like 6 months to decide :) Comment and let me know your opinions to help me decide! (I'll probably check off all of them on my application but they usually ask in your interview which would be your first choice)

What is the Disney College Program?

I’m sitting in my US History summer class right now…..after the midterm I decided the notes I was taking during class were useless so I don’t take notes anymore :p At this point, going into my senior year of college, I’ve mastered the art of bsing haha.
Anyways, I’ve decided to make a post for people who might be reading my blog but don’t know what the Disney College Program is *gasp* I know, shocking.
The Disney College Program is a paid internship for students to work (and play) in Disney for a semester or more, making connections for future work opportunities. There are special classes (they’re optional) you can take at Disney University which teach you about different aspects of the company. I’ve always wanted to do the program but never had the opportunity because I needed to take classes for my major each semester (which aren’t offered over the summer) and couldn’t lose a semester or it would delay my graduation. However, if you apply the semester before you graduation, they allow you to participate in the program, you just have to be a student when you apply. So this is what I’m going to be doing and hopefully I’ll be in Florida for Fall 2011 after I graduate from Uconn! :)
This is how the process works, to the best of my knowledge, since I haven’t actually applied yet. Basically you fill out an online application where you choose your top job choices. My top choices so far are Full Service Food&Beverage (basically being a hostess/seater), Character Attendant (walking around w the characters, controling lines, taking pics for guests, ect), and Attractions (working at one of the rides). I also might check off PhotoPass Photographer. I know I won’t be checking off Housekeeping,Custodial, or Quick Service Food&Beverage because I’ve heard that if you check them off they WILL give you one of them since they’re jobs that nobody really wants lol. I’ve decided I’d rather be down there and have a job I enjoy than be there and be miserable. Anyways, after that they call and you do a phone interview, they ask you pretty easy questions about yourself and how you would handle different situations while working (such as what you would tell a child if they were too short to ride a ride). Then the waiting begins. It takes a few weeks to hear from them about if you’re accepted or not, but hopefully when the times comes and you check your mailbox you’ll find a purple folder and probably an email telling you you’re accepted and your role!
The best part of the College Program is that on your days off you get to play in the parks for free and get 3 free tickets for family/friends! You also get discounts on food, souveniers, and hotel reservations for family (I heard up to 50% off! Polynesian here I come! lol)
Oh and if you’re wondering where you live while in the program, Disney provides apartments. There are 3 different apartment complexes and your rent is taken out of your paycheck each week so you don’t need to worry about it. The apartments are Vista Way, Patterson Court, and Chatham Square. Patterson is supposed to be the nicest because it’s newly renovated. Vista is supposed to be old and where the partiers live. I guess Chatham is kind of the in between, it’s newer than Vista but not as new as Patterson. So I’m hoping to get Patterson or Chatham but I won’t know where I’ll be living until I get there :)
Yeah so that’s basically it, wish me luck! ;) I hope I get in! lol

Welcome to my Blog!

Note: I started this on tumblr but decided I didn't like it there because people can't comment on your posts. So the next few posts are imported from my tumblr.


Alright guys n gals, this is my new blog! yayyyy *cue applause*

I’ll be writing here every now and then to yall know what I’m up to, how school is going, what I’m planning, how life is going in general. I’ve never used tumblr before so I’ll probably be playing around with all the features& figuring things out.

Right now I’m home for the summer, taking 2 summer classes (not at the same time) and starting work regularly in July at the bus company (my fav, love it there). I’m going to be starting my senior year at Uconn in the Fall and applying to grad school and the Disney College Program after Christmas. Cross your fingers I get into that, it’s been my dream to work with Disney since middle school :) When I start applying and everything my blog will probably primarily be about Disney but for now it’s about life and my anticipation for the program lol.

So that’s it for now, I’m being called for dinner….blueberry pancakes yummm.

Have a magical evening! ;)