I had a realization yesterday that I'm not a good fit for the role of Lifeguard. I haven't been swimming regularly in 4 years and I wasn't going to be able to be ready for the swim test in 2 weeks (when I have to fax Disney the form saying I'm able to perform the required swim skills.) So I called Disney yesterday and asked if it was too late to change. She told me there were no guarantees but she'd put in a request and I'd get a call within in the next 48 hours.
So a recruiter (Stephany) called me this morning and was super nice and I explained to her that I'm not a very strong swimmer and I didn't think I'd be able to do the swim test for lifeguard because I haven't been swimming regularly in 4 years, she said she understood and offered me a position in Merchandise. I accepted so now I'm going to be working Merch!! I think I'm going to be so much happier with this role and I'm extremely excited about it! Hopefully I get a good location! Yayyy! :)
In some non-Disney news, I graduated from college last Saturday, it was such a liberating experience. I never thought I'd get there never mind get there with the degree I wanted (Music) and having done a violin recital!! So needless to say, I'm pretty proud of myself even if I'm not one of the smarty pants with a 3.9 gpa :p I also got a lot of graduation money so I've treated myself to a Kindle which is coming today! I can't wait to get it. Oh and my birthday is coming! (9 days!) Life is good right now! :)